Porlex Soy Sauce Pot Wa

Regular price $34.00

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Ceramic Soy Sauce Pots have an integrated Silicon Spouts.

This prevents chipping of the spout and dripping of the soy sauce when pouring.

There is a silicon ring on the bottom of the pot where it contacts the table and a silicon seal on the ceramic lid which holds it in place and allows the air into the pot when pouring.

The silicon is art in itself. Integrated to the product for life on a custom machine built in house by the Porlex engineers in the Kagoshima factory. 

Made in Kagoshima, Japan

Capacity : approx 60ml

Product Dimension & Weight : 58 x 63 x 63mm & 125g

Packaged Dimension & Weight : 67 x 64 x 64mm & 145g